Friday, June 19, 2009

I'm still here!!

Wow, so it's been a month since I updated!!

Sorry about that. My house has been crazy and stressful lately!! My boy's in baseball and it seems like every day is practice or games. My husband's schedule has made getting runs in together rough at times.

The weather here has finally broken into summer weather...the bad became hot and muggy real quick!! This week's running has given us a feel for running in the heat!!

A little run down of the past month...We are where we should be as far as the training schedule. We are averaging just over 20 miles a week. Our best week was a week ago when we ran 28 miles that week. Our weekly runs are 4 to 6 miles each and our long run is now at 12 miles. Last week's long run was still in cooler weather so it wasn't bad. As far as hydrating on the longer runs we have been keeping water or gatorade in our car. We run 3 miles out and back so we hit the car half way through and grab our drinks. Then we run back out 3 and back. So far this has worked for us. Now, this week is supposed to be close to 90 for a high so I will probably carry the camelbak on the run to keep us hydrated.

My father-in-law is running the marathon with us in October. He lives in Georgia where the tempertures have been close to 100 degrees!! He has not had a long run longer than 7 miles lately because of the heat (he is also 64 years old). He has ran his share of marathons though, so he knows what he is capable of doing. He told us that we are doing well with our training so it definitely makes us feel better!!

The long runs have definitely got a little easier. I seem to have gotten over the psycological aspect of running. Hills don't bother me like they have in the past and I don't stress over the distance anymore. The heat may prove to be something that I will have to fight through.

This week we are expecting to get in about 25 miles. We will see how it goes. We have slowed our pace a little so that the heat doesn't get to us. Our pace is about 10:45 to 11:00 on our maintenence and long runs right now. It is hard to keep that pace because we are used to going faster but for endurance purposes we feel it neccessary to do this.

I will update again after this weekend is over!!!

Until then, we will keep running toward our goal!!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Long time no....

Sorry to my followers for the lag in posts!!

It has been a hectic couple of weeks around my house. In fact it still is so this post will be a little shorter! With the end of school for my kids and myself it has been CRAZY!!!! Projects, end of year activities, a son who is playing "catch up" in high school, AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

But here it is....we were supposed to run 22 miles this week and we made it but we had to put in some extra effort!!

With everything that has been going on I FINALLY got my husband to start running mornings, YAY!! It has been great!! We didn't start running mornings though until Wednesday. He gave in because we had trouble getting runs in in the evening so our first run this week wasn't until Wednesday.

Wednesday we decided to run 5 miles since we had a couple of days off and got it done at a pretty good pace...I think about 9.54??...not sure though I would have to look at my garmin data.

Thursday we went out for 4 miles and finished in 38:43, our best time yet!!

Friday we put in 2 miles in the afternoon just to get something in before the weekend at the same pace as last run.

This is the finale.....Ready...since we didn't do what we wanted to by this point we decided to lengthen our Sunday run to 12 miles. We figured we were ready, yeah the 10 wasn't "easy" but we realized that it wasn't as bad as we thought. No long run is "easy". I had found this great new trail and we were "dying" to try it out so Sunday morning off we went.

The trail goes on for 7.5 miles in one direction before you have to turn around and head back so we went...7.5 miles and turned around...and ran, and ran until we hit 12 and realized "well, we have to at least walk back from this point so lets keep going and try and do a half marathon distance" so we did!! In 2:11:54 we finished 13.1 miles!! We walked the other 2ish miles back to the car and thought "WOW, we just ran a half marathon!!!!"

As I said, no long run is "easy" but this seemed to be a good run for us. Neither one of us was fatigued too much and (outside of our legs feeling a little weak) no pain!!

So there it is...we managed 24.1 miles overall and ended up with a good week!!

Today, Tuesday we ran 4 this morning and felt pretty good. Our pace was a little off (41:49 for 4) but I'm not going to complain!!

I think this Sunday we are going to go back a little (don't want to overdo it) and maybe do 10 before going back up again.

Until next time...We will keep running toward our goal!!

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Second week done

Hey everyone!! So...we finished week 2 yesterday with our first double digit run!!

We ran 3 miles on Friday (according to our schedule) and ran a 10 mile run on Saturday morning!! Both runs seemed like a struggle for me for some reason but I got them done. We ran a 10:07 pace on Friday and a 10:20 pace on Saturday.

I don't know but I have an idea that the long runs are getting to me because we are running them in the neighborhood with traffic and stops. I can handle the 4-5 mile runs in the neighborhood but when you start looking for places to run 10 miles it gets harder.

Today we went for a bike ride on a trail I heard about and I think we have our long run trail. It is mostly flat and lined with crushed limestone. We are going to run our next long run there and see if it is a better place to run.

Our next race is June 20th and is a 15k race that is refered to as the "toughest 15k in the midwest". I heard that it is very hilly but I don't know to what extent yet. I am trying to find out more info about it before than but it seems difficult to come by.

This week we are slated to do 22 miles total starting tomorrow with a 4 mile run.

Until next time....we will keep running toward our goal!!!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Another training day done

Run number two of the week is finished!! After taking it easy on Monday (since it was the day after our long run) we busted out a sub 40 minute 4 mile run today at 9:45 pace. Our quickest 4 miler to date. I think that race on Sunday got us in gear. It made us realize that we CAN run faster than we had been and live!!! It started pouring rain about half way through which was actually really cool. You feel like a real runner when you run in a good rain (maybe that had something to do with the better pace!!).

Yesterday was a nice night so we went on a 6 mile bike ride and got a little something in. I also read on a forum recently that there are apps on the iphone for the hundred push up and two hundred sit up programs so I downloaded them yesterday and started that on my off days. Hopefully I can stick with them and finish the programs (I really need the upper body work!!).

Right now our plan is to do our 3rd run on Friday and possibly our long run, which is 10 miles this week, on Saturday instead of Sunday (since it's Mother's Day Sunday). We may change it to Sunday though.

Until next time...We'll keep running toward our goal!!!

Monday, May 4, 2009

3rd race and long run

In my last post I mentioned what my plans for our long run were because we were running a 5k race so we had to work in our long run around it. We got up and had a good breakfast and a cup of coffee, and at 7:15 drank some water and headed out the door into a beautiful morning-sunny and about 64 degrees. We ran a mile up to the start of the race, picked up our registration packet put on our number and put the packet up in a locker and headed back out to run before the start. We got in another .5 mile just before the race start and off we went.

As hard as you try not to get caught up in the starting pace...I did. Lucky we had our garmin and noticed the starting pace was around a 7min/mile. We immediately adjusted our pace and tried to stay steady. We hit the first mile at 8:45 which I was thrilled about because my goal was to finish in under an hour and it was looking good. As the race went on some of the people in front of us started to drop back and I was a little afraid that it wouldn't be long and we would drop off our pace too but it never happened. We crossed the line at 26:34...over 4 minutes better than our last 5k.

After the race we grabbed our packet and a water and headed out to run toward our house. We ran back home dropped the packets and kept going until our 8 mile long run was done. We finished with a total running time of 78 minutes, thanks to the race time.

Our training schedule calls for running a long run on Sunday and the next week's first run on Monday so we went out today for a 4 mile run. Since we are running after the long run we slowed the pace down today to 10:35. This is something we may have to adjust during the training schedule and move the Monday run to Tuesday instead but today we did okay with it.

We started out last August just trying to run for weight loss and health reasons and now we are hooked!! Trying to get better at time and distance and run our first marathon ever!! I can't believe we came as far as we did and I owe it all to finding the c25k program!! A year ago I would never have thought that we would be running as much as we are now. Neither one of us has ever been a runner and I struggled with my weight my whole life. For the first time in my life I feel like I am completely in control of my weight and health. I enjoy chatting with all the great people I have gotten to know on the c25k forums and I consider them my friends!!

Until next time...We will keep running toward our goal!!

Saturday, May 2, 2009

Day 3

Sorry this post is a little late but we ran a little later last night and had a busy day today.

Okay, day 3...we got it done. I am telling you I am not an afternoon runner. I find my times to be better on morning runs.

We went to our health club on Thursday and did some strength training and boy, I really do want to get this in twice a week at least. I was a little sore on Friday because of it but not too bad. Our run on Friday was not bad, the weather was finally nice and sunny which was refreshing!! We kept a pace of 10:10 (we have been pretty consistant with pace this week). I really want to break 10 minutes but I think it will come with time and I am not going to push it and end up injuried.

Today we went on a nice bike ride for our off/ct day which I really enjoyed too. I would like to do this on CT days along with going to the gym.

Tomorrow is our long run day but it will be a little strange because we are signed up to run a 5k race tomorrow so this is our the 1.5 miles to the race start, run the race and then keep going when it is over to finish 8 miles. I know it won't be a non stop 8 miles but the miles will be there. With this our week will be done and we will have ran 20 miles this week (per training schedule).

I will let you know how the 5k goes tomorrow! Until then...keep running toward your goal

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Day 2

Anyone that runs knows that you have days that you don't REALLY want to get out there...yesterday was one of those days. I don't know if it was the weather or the stress of a busy day but the run seemed hard. We got it done but it seemed hard!! There is nothing wrong with having a bad or hard run day, it happens. But anyway, run number 2 is done.

We went out after work and it was cool and overcast (I think I haven't seen the sun in a week!). I do find it hard sometimes to wait to run in the afternoon. I would actually rather run in the morning but my husband is not a morning runner!! That is one thing you have to deal with when you run with someone, you are not always on the same wavelength. I think his view on morning runs will change when it is 90 degrees out!!

We felt like we were running pretty fast but when we looked at the garmin we had started out around the same pace as Monday. We ended up running a 10:07 pace, not bad but we felt like we were running faster.

Today we are planning an afternoon lunchtime workout at the fitness center to do some strength training. We are going to try to fit this in twice a week. I am feeling a little more energetic today so that's good!! Until tomorrow....